Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Troll Morning

♩ ♪ ...She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of of childhood memories
Where everything was as fresh as a bright blue sky...♬ ♭

Press snooze button and back to my la la land again.
After 10 minutes, there was a knock on my door.

"AZIEE, banguun!"

OMG, it was raining cat and dog outside. So cold but still I took my bathe. 
It would be nice if I can continue my sleep. Thinking about class that I need to attend, I became strong-will, took my umbrella out and walked to the nearest bus stop.
After 20 minutes ride in the bus, went to level 5 of FSKSM and ate my breakfast. 

We waited for 30 minutes plus plus. Then, one my peep went to meet the lecturer and asked her about this morning class.
She said, this morning had no class....

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