Saturday, April 5, 2014


Well well well.
We meet again my dear blog. It's been quite some time since my post on Getting Rich. The title of this blog post has nothing to do with me or you. I could only think that title of the story that I was about to tell. The story happened yesterday.

Here goes...

I have a friend who's in the industry and I wanted to consult with him about my resume. Is my resume a yay or nay? He critics my resume and laughed about it. Let's called him F. 

F: I dah go through your resume. Ape ni? Nama kampung sangat la. Hahaha...
Z: Laa. Memang I asal dari kampung. Nak buat camne... Lulz
F: Gambar tu.. Tukar. Cer la pakai kemeja kat dalam blazer tu. Rambut tu ikat.
Z: Tu gambar lama. Gambar I pakai nak bertanding (PRK - Campus Election) 2 years ago. Malas la nak ambik gambar banyak kali. Nanti la I tukar.
F: You nanti nak kerja katner?
Z: Kat KL kot. Nape?
F: Letak la address your aunty kat situ. Kalau you letak address Sarawak kat situ, nanti dia akan tanya "How are you going to work from Sarawak?"
Z: K. Nanti I tukar. Resume ni I pakai untuk pergi intern la. Lagipun I follow dari resume senior I.
F: You buat akaun jobstreet and extract your resume from there. And ni lagi satu, race, letak je la Melayu.
Z: OHH NO NO NO!! NO!! NO!! Ape pun berlaku, I'm not gonna change it to other races. I'm proud being a Melanau. 
F: Oh. I ingatkan you Melayu. You Melanau tulen ke?
Z: Yup. Both of my parents are Melanau.
F: Ok. Nanti I hantar resume I as your reference.
Z: K.

And then the conversation changes to job related and of course, kritik resume gua tak sudah.

It's not like I don't like the Malays or something. And I know that the Malay is the majority race in Malaysia. I have a lot of Malay friends. And I have a lotsa friends from the other races too. We, Malaysians, are living in harmony. We can co-exist with each other regarding our races, religions and which party you crossed during the election.
I am Melanau.
The "lain-lain" when I filled in a form. 

The minority. That made us unique and rare! 


Z: Yes. I don't know how to speak Melanau fluently but I understood if you talk to me in Melanau. 


  1. huhu blh I jadi peminat blog u x? seronok bace u punye blog ;)

  2. fuyooo azi..fuyoo fuyoooo...
    nnt share resume F boleh...he3

    1. haha. boleh je. nnt i share dengan korang. korang jgn terbeliak lak mata baca resume die


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