Friday, July 15, 2011

The Epic End of Harry Potter

'I solemnly swear I'm up to no good'

If you already watched Harry Potter, you are free to read this.
If you haven't watch and don't want to be spoiled about the ending, just click the 'X' button up there.
If you haven't watch and can't wait to know about the end, jomm, let's read it!

Yesterday, I watched Harry Potter with my peeps. I always wondering how David Yates gonna put one third of the book into part 2. And now I knew it. There are many important events in the book were not in the movie. That is why I always prefer the book than the movie ever since the first series, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

This final chapter was an epic. From the first scene til almost the end was all about 
war, horcruxes and Avada Kedavra. 

Marvolo Gaunt's ring
Tom Riddle's diary
Regulus Black's locket
Hufflepuff's cup
Ravenclaw's diadum
Harry Potter

These are some of my points of view about this movie.
#1. Just to repeat what I just said up there about the missing of some important scenes such as the story about Ariana's death in the Aberforth's bar, story of Helena Ravenclaw told by herself, and when Albus Dumbledore won the duel vs Grindelwald. IDK what do you guy think about this but I think these scenes should be shown. Not everyone had read the book.

#2. Do you remember the scene when Prof Snape summoned all the students in the common hall and Harry popped out from Gryffindor house. Well, actually, Alecto Carrow found him hanging around at the Ravenclaw tower. He pressed the snake tats on his arm to 'paged' Voldermort about Harry's whereabout. After this moment, then Snape appears infront of Prof McGonagall and pooff! Snape's MIA. Right after then, all the houses are summoned to assemble in the common hall. HAH!

'Oh, but naturally, you Death Eaters have
your own private means of 
communication, I forgot' - Minerva McGonagall

#3. I just realized that, from HP1 til 7, there is no sign of Peeves the Poltergeist. He played a very important role in the book because he love to annoy Filch the caretaker. And speaking about Filch, did you see his cat in that HP7 Part 2. Yes yes, the one he's been holding during the assembly scene. His cat became chubbier and cuter! Miow!

#4. In the Room of Requirement, during the event where Harry, Ron and Hermione were going to save Draco and Goyle/Crabbe, Ron just said something that tickle my funny bone. He said, 'if we die for them, I'll kill you Harry!'
How on Earth he's gonna kill Harry if all of them died?

'Like I said, yeh'd be mad 
ter try an' rob it' - Hagrid 
talking about Gringotts

#5. What the hell did he done to the Elder wand? I heard Iva said, 'bodo na juak Harry ya!' He broke the Elder Wand a.k.a the Wand of Destiny, the Deathstick into 2 pieces and throw it into the river. What a great scene! 
<tangan didada, mata keatas>
In book : The Elder Wand fixed Harry's wand and lies in the hand of its previous owner, Albus Dumbledore.

#6. In movie, where Neville wanna kill Nagini (the snake is so cute!) but shows futile at his first attempt. Harry leap from Hagrid's arms and distract Voldermort to fight with him. 
In book : Harry wore the invisibility cloak first laa. Besides, there were also a few centaurs and lotsa elves were fighting in the war. Don't forget, Grawpy the giant, Hagrid's bro.

I saw Harry's, Ron's and Draco's children but I don't see Teddy anywhere in the final scene. I think Yates forgot to emphasized on Teddy though. Just wondering how would he look like. XD

Avada Kedavra vs Expelliarmus

All the half part of the movie was almost the same from the book. Even the words that they were saying. However, from the climax towards the end, it shows totally different from the book. Total transformation, rebranding! I just watched it and a part of me don't like it. 

What do you think ?

Z : I grew up with Harry Potter. A decade. Now it's over, I don't have to wait anymore. No other movie gonna replace you Potter. Thanks to JK Rowling for her brilliant idea about wizardry wonders fiction and the 3 Davids to make it come true in visual. Boredom never occurs to me even though I read the series again and again!


  1. DUDE! did you realize the part when harry flashed back to snape's memory. during the scene where dumbledore asked snape "dont tell me youre starting to care for this boy?" and then snape drew his patronus and sent to harry. at that time harry was looking for the gryffindor sword in the lake right? thats when snape's patronus showed? remember that part?? wasnt that from HP7 the first part?? did you realise that when dumbledore was talkin to snape,he was supposed to be dead already?? in HP6?? REMEMBER???

  2. yup..last night dah re-read agik part keduak lam buku aa..

  3. Pengembaraan yang bermula selepas final exam first semester. Tak terasa sepuluh tahun dah berlalu.

    Yup ending dia lain dari buku..

    Mengenali komputer [Siri 1]

  4. betul2 .. best laa .. wah ini review yang lagi dalam ni .. sungguh banyak details pasal movie harry potter ..

    banyak sangat yang saya tak ingat ..

  5. padlie, lepas ni xtaw lagi la nak tgk citer ape.

    iPai, ni buat review pun sbb ending movie x sama dgn ending lam buku..


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