Thursday, June 9, 2011

To My Future Hubby

As I was scrolling down my new feeds in FB, I found out about this super sweet proposal.
Even better than Prince William and Kate Middleton wedding day.

Check it out guys !

What dya think ?

For me, it was pretty awesome and sweet. At first the wifey quite shocked because some girl just came up and splash a glass of water at him. The wifey broke down.
The takleh blah part started when the police officer or the security guard started singing.
Imagine that ! It seems like in High School Musical but this was real baby.

It was the sweetest things ever the hubby did to his wifey. Instant marriage, mcm kat Vegas but they were in a relationship for 3 years already. 

To my future hubby whom I still don't know yet, you don't need to be like Seth Tan in Nora Elina <macam la kmk tuk ada tangga cita aa> to make me fall in love with you. Just be yourself. But if you propose me almost like this or even better, I'll say

Hell Yeah! I do.

erkk. . .ye ke?

Z : Brapa banyak 'sweet' in this post. A girl can always dream, right? XD

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