Saturday, September 17, 2011


Last night, I went to Mas' house for an open house. It was cool though. Because she served Mi Soto. It's been a long time since I ate one. Begedil, yummy!

We went there for a while then off to Skudai Parade because the juniors wanna buy a laptop. We all went there and wandering around in there. Honestly speaking, it was nothing there. After Mirul bought his laptop, we all went to Jusco Tebrau. 

My oh my. What a traffic. We stuck in jam for an hour and half. We cursed at the traffic for an hour and half and didn't know what would cause the traffic. After stuck in the jam, then we knew that there was an accident. 
What I saw was there's a man, under the wheel of the trailer. A pool of blood. And I didn't see his head. It was a nightmare for me. Freaking scary though. 

Arrived at Jusco safely. After did a few spagetthi shopping, Rawiey and I went to level 3 to buy some stuffs to put into our room. I bought this cute cube table. And its green. You know how much I love green.

Bought it just to put printer on it. heheh

Rawiey and I met Bhem and the rest at the ground floor. I felt a lil bit itchy at my neck. I asked Rawiey the colour of my neck. She said it's red. I was soo scared. Rushed to the nearest restroom and to my surprised, my neck was really red and my hand started to have something red and itchy. See photos below as I didn't know how to explain it.

The clear view. Both of my wrist were swelling.

Went back to my room and MY OH MY.
My whole body was in red. Dayumm. I felt so scared. I called mama and she said it must be ellergic symptom. I didn't knew what I ate that made me look like that. 


Luckily, I love to google around and I found out it's real name. It's called HIVES
Mama and abah called me this morning to check me out. 
I woke up fine and all the itchy, swelling and redness were gone!

Z : Thankyou Alia for your cream. 


  1. woo.. teruk jgk kan.. org pernah kena sekali je.. mesti geram nak garu kan.. hehehe

  2. yup..betol tuh..mmg rasa nak garu jer..

  3. dulu masa kecik2, penah kena .. ibu saya kata cari daun pandan n gosok dengan daun tuh .. n jgn sesekali garu dgn kuku .. bila garu dgn kuku, hujung kuku tuh akan jadi penyebar kepada tempat2 lain ..

    tapi dah hilang kan ?

  4. yupp..on the next day..sume hives tu dah hilang...


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