Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Handling THE ICF.

Click here for the formal report on ICF. In this post, I wanna blogged about what happened behind the scenes. Beware, this post will be full of photos and curses and of course, it will be a long one. So, just click 'X' at the tab there if this will bores you. haha. 

Sukri (my boss) the Co-Director for Management Team and Morteza, the
sub-director for Food Festival.

OK. Let's start from the first day which was on 2nd December. It was a crazy first day. Started the event with hearing a lecture from PIC of DSI. Me, Sukri and Shahrul did the technical job! We arranged the chairs in DSI. After finished arranging the damn chairs, I went to Laman Menanti to check out what was up over there. Everyone complaints about not getting enough table/chairs, no fan at the tent and yada yada yada. Anyway, I only care about my secretariat and that was the moment where I attacked the PIC for Exhibition and the technicians. And that was so fun. How could I said fun when I didn't had my rest on that day. I walked from booth to booth and tried to enjoy myself. And guest what? It worked. 

The Egyptians.
One of my secretariat, Ganu kite~~~
Believe it or not, this is the original hookah, or known to me as shisha.
At this booth, the Bangladesh gave me a bracelet for friendships. XD
I think this was the Nigerians booth.
Went to the Korea's booth and there was no one. I started asking YuNa about the Hanbok and said that it would be nice to try one. The next thing I knew, she lend me her Hanbok for a while.
Some random caption that I took at the Korea's booth.

Bajet g Korea. haha. Kipas tuh utk cover
logo ICF.

The best thing about being a crew was, I got to eat free food. Seriously. I didn't have to pay a few flight tickets to these countries just to taste their foods and learn some of their cultures. Here are some of the food photos. Some of the foods taste very delish and some of them, I can't put a suitable word for it. Let's just said that it tasted different.
Biasala, orang Malaysia makan makanan negara luar. Memey pelik.

This little cupcakes were from Tunisia. And this taste good and sweet.
And this one from Nigeria (if I'm not mistaken). It's tasteless.
I missed my hometown, so I ate some pansuh and umai.
My classmate gave their support to us. Thanks guys!

4.30PM, the car parade was about to start and Malaysia's car was nowhere near ready-to-show on the road. So, jadi bidan terjun. I helped what I could on that car.

Hias jgn x hias.
After being decorated and before the take off.
Hidayat, the sub-director for Car Parade.

For the very first time, a car parade being held in UTM. I didn't want to miss a chance so I hopped into the crew car which will lead the parade and had my long rest. Sbb dari pagi xdudok punya pasal, nak jugak ekot dok lam keta. Sambil menyelam minum air la katakan. The route was from Laman Menanti - Arked Meranti - KDSE - KTR - KTDI - K11 - KP - KTC - stable - back to Laman Menanti again.

What didchu know, my dear had waited for me by his car and Alep parked just beside his. Sometime, how I wish I didn't follow the car parade crews and be there with him. XD
It just a jiffy moment, he gave the money for the cultural night and went back. Well, lotsa people there and we're not ready to go public yet.

Night time, was Cultural Night part 1. It was not my turf so I went to the DSI quite late. Sukri was on the stage and I need to take charge at ground floor. In case something bad happened. Both night, which was on 2nd and 3rd December were all about performances. The first night was quite OK though but the second night was hectic and havoc. This was the first time in my life I saw DSI full with international students. And WTH, they didn't care about their children running around like they owned the place. Oh, come on MAN! 

Marwa, the stage manager once warned this little girl not to make any noise or run at the side of the stage. You know what that little girl answered to Marwa, 
"Don't listen to her(Marwa)".
Didn't any parents nowadays injected some moral values in their kids?
Ish Ish Ish

They made it to final stage.

I don't know why but this was my favourite photo for the cultural night
I felt like I was at the Middle East on the 2nd night. Full with international
Look behind there. It was so full. Outta control.

After the Cultural Night part 1, we had a post-mortem and I was damn tired and sleepy. I  think I slept some part in the meeting. Then, I received a text message from him. I went out and met him for a while before he went back to his home. Got back to the meeting just in time for my part. I complaints about everything and that was the first time I saw Sukri went berserk. He really pissed off. And he called me one of his BFF. Aww...
Sukri went berserk, now that's scary.

On the next day, I had my rest for a while. I leave the exhibition stuffs to my PA and had some quality time with Sukri and the Foodies Team in DSI. We dance, we laugh and we got a little crazy though. Not so much happened on the second day and I wanted to focus on the last day.

The final event for ICF was MegaCulture Night. It was a dinner and I became a standby. Me and Sukri, stood at the center of the hall checking the ground floor so that it ran smoothly. Hell to that. It went bad. Real bad. That was the first time I turned moody so quickly. I managed to put on a fake smile to the audiences. Sorry guys, you didn't know how hard it was to handle this event. The foods didn't manage to get to the table on the right side of the hall because it always stuck at the left side which was full with international people. They grabbed the foods from the waiters/waitresses which were supposed to serve at the right side. 

I love this kid. XD

And WTH, I wore my 4-inch heels and need to run from the center of the hall to the VIP table (Casse, the director, sat there), and need to run to the caterer to ask some foods to be served at the right side. Then need to rush to the back of the hall to check out the Cultural Night and the Multimedia crews. The best part was, I ran in my high-heels to the upper floor and there starts the technical problems. Dafuq! Ran down into the multimedia room and slammed the door wide open and for the first time I yelled
I didn't care less and FACE THE MUSICS.

I admitted that I lost my mood until the end of the event. I went back to my post but I couldn't stood there any longer because I felt like crying. So, I went to my table and I think he caught my 'Mr Obvious' mood. He stood up from his table and walked towards me. He gave me strength and I didn't broke down in front of everyone. haha. That's so sweet of you.

I decided to sit at the back and just look at the front and thinking what would happened next. 

The Multimedia Team

The event was over and Datuk T (TNC HEMA) loved ICF.
Thanks God for that.

Reality check, it was pain in the ass.
No offense.
This maybe the first and the last time I'll co-operate with the international.

Some of the ICF crews.

Just me & Rawiey after the event was OVER.

Z : My job before the event was as Head of Malaysia Secretariat and secretary for Co-Director (Management). During the event, I did lotsa jobs including the technical job. So much for the actual job scope. Naseb la boleh cope.


  1. What didchu know, my dear had waited for me by his car and Alep parked just beside his. Sometime, how I wish I didn't follow the car parade crews and be there with him. \

    --sape??? ehehhehehehhe


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