Saturday, December 15, 2012

Fifth Semester Review

The fifth semester almost come to an end. Right now, I'm chasing my deadlines for project presentations. Next week will be full of presentations. Anyway, before the final exam starts, lemme write down all the subjects I took during this sem and how I feels about 'em.

This sem, I enrolled 6 subjects which are :
1. Application Development (AD)
2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
3. Geometric Modelling (GM)
4. Reading for Specific Purposes (Reading)
5. Real-time Computer Graphics (RT)
6. Theory of Computer Science (TSK)

The total credit for this sem is 18 and AD get the most point. It's 4 hours credit. If I failed my AD, my CGPA will be plunging down into the drain.

For AD, there were no test, quizzes and final exam. However, we need to produce a functional application (app) so that we can get an A.  XD  My group consist of Tamimi, AmiraFarhani, Jia Xin and I. We were developing a mobile app called Hiragana Mobile. It is  a Japanese app that teaches beginner to write the 46 Hiragana characters. We divided our task where Tamimi and Jia Xin is the mastermind behind the coding, Amira will do the documentation and me, as always, the graphic part. The class was 3 hours for a week and we had 2 lecturers to comment/critic/give mark on our app. For almost every week, we need to present our progress to them. It feels like taking FYP though. 

AI ouhh AI. I almost failed this class. From the first week, I didn't understand what I learnt in class. During this whole sem, I only understood the minimax and alpha-beta pruning part. Currently, I also like the final chapter which was about Learning Machine. The rest, I can only pray for the best. We had a lot of quizzes (thanks God for that) and assignments. My group member for the assignment will always be Mira Nazir. Two person per group though. During the last class for AI, our beloved lecturer had given us another final project which must be submitted during study week. Two journal papers in 3-5 pages essay. Gosh. It's an essay. Lemah sa nyawa ku dengar ya.

Aahh. Geometric Modelling. The only subject for this sem that I fully understood, only applied for the theory though. For the source code part, it always been a problem for me from the beginning. For GM, my groupmate are Dayah and Khaledah. I often do the documentation part and the other will try to solve the mystery of the code. Goshhhh.

Reading. Not my choice but there was no other choice. All the other sections were full. Every time the lecturer gave me an article to read, I tend to fall asleep. There were no test and quizzes for this subject. And the class was once a week. And unfortunately, the class starts at 8AM. The ONLY class that starts at 8AM for this sem. -.-

Real-time Computer Graphics. I don't like this subject but it is necessary for us to pass it. WHY? Because it's related to our course and it is fucking hard. The projects given by the lecturer were hard enough for us that we need to burn the midnight oil. We need to learn and refresh back what we learnt in openGL class on last sem. The code for our projects were nowhere to be found in the internet. We're doomed. Our final project, we need to produce a game by using Unity. Doing openGL is hard enough for me, and so as developing game using Unity. From game to doing some research on SIGGRAPH papers. I can't manage my time properly for this subject. Grr.

Last but not least would be TSK. We were from section 6. But, when we started to hear a goss that Dr Toni was teaching in Section 3 & 4, Rawiey, Amy and I went to the admin office and change our section. We do have a history with him. He taught us Software Engineering subject on the previous sem and he gave all of us Aces. At first, I thought this subject is easy. But I underestimate it. It was really hard. I got a B- in my test. Dr Toni asked whoever wanted to re-sit the test, he would inform later. I sat for the re-test and Alhamdulillah, I got A+. I just pray for the best for my project which is about TouchNGo and my final exam which will be held next year. Oh yeah, BTW, my groupmate for this subject were Rawiey, Amy, Yang and I.

Z : Everyday in next week, I'll have my project presentations except on Thursday because it's public holiday.

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