Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ending My 2012,

It feels like yesterday I wrote a post about 2011 and suddenly, 2012 has comes to an end. Every year, I'll make a few new year resolutions to be achieved. For 2012, I had 8 resolutions and has achieved some of it. Good for me! YAY! :D

A year where I survived 21st December 2012 apocalypse. 
A year where I found Mr NA. I never post anything about him here. Just wait for it.
A year full of love and hate. I felt brokenhearted in the early of 2012 and that makes me even stronger. 
Who knows what will happened in the future, right?

Nuff talking about that, let's get back to my resolution list.
1. Save some moolah.
*Hell yeah. I saved some of my allowances but too bad I can't buy anything I wanted from that money because I need to pay for my uniform. Anyway, I did save my money but I changed it to silver so that I can't spent on it. Currently, I have 30 dirhams. A good start for me to invest my future.

2. Maintain my pointer.
*Maintaining my pointer. Blerghhh. My results sucks. Nuff said! Fortunately, my current CGPA is still above 3. Phewww...

3. Buy some new gadgets.
*I bought my Sony Xperia P. Seems legit. :D

4. Travel overseas.
*Hurmm. And this too. I don't have enough money to travel overseas. But I did travel to Pantai Timur again on last midsem break.

5. Do some crazy stuffs.
*Lemme think. Do I ever did some crazy stuffs over the past year? Oh yeah. Does wall-climbing included?
And let's not forget that I started to invest some of my money this year.

6. Be a good leader.
*This is very subjective. I'm trying to be a good leader even though I'm not in any organization. 

7. "Respect people who find some time for you even though s/he have a busy schedule and love people who never look at their scheduel when you need them"
*I'm still trying to be that particular 'people'. 

8. Be a better person than last year.
*I think you guys should judge me. Do I became a better person than last year?

For 2013, I had come to a decision that some of my resolutions will be a long-term one. Just wait for my next post guys. Ciao.

Z: In short, my 2012 rocks! 

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