Thursday, March 17, 2011

Some Time for Myself

Ola bloggies ?!

Finally, I had some time for myself. Regarding of my busy schedule nowadays, I stole some of my time just to have a slight fun and that was my all-time favourite, watching movie. It's been a while since I watched and hang out with my peeps outside UTM circle though. 
Anyway, I heard LOTSA people talk about this movie and I tend to attract to it. . .

Who has watched this movie please raise up your leg ?
Yeah I know you guys had watched this movie.
My conclusion for this movie was

it worth my 10 bucks.

and the Prince of Rome is so cute. 
Maybe this was my first time watching epic + history movie and the director is Yusry KRU and the language used was English.
Just damnn!

If you haven't watch this movie, I just wanna said it will worth your money and satisfactory guaranteed if you are the person who like action + bloodshed movie.

"Mungkin pak cik saya iaitu 
Merong Mahasuasa..."

Before this, I never knew the history of Merong Mahawangsa. He stated that he was the descendants of Alexander the Great (Iskandar Zulkarnain). 
Is it true?
Please someone tell me about this. . .
I'm not good with history though but from what I saw, Sultan Muzzafar Syah was his 7th generations.
hurmm . . .

p/s: Hope after this do the history of Alexander the Great. I really wanna know about this.


  1. nye dpt tngga..alief xpat gik nangga..sbb kat kelantan sikda wayang...

  2. kelantan xda wayang duhal..bok la kmk tauk koh...


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