Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hang In There

Whassup, whassup y'all?

Whoa, the campaign and the election was way over and today is my second day as a MPM. 
How do I feel you may ask.
Honestly speaking, I'm still the same old me, STILL
hang out with my peeps
doing my ASSignments
taking midterms, quizzes
talking in Sarawak slang
posted my entry in English in my own waay
and bla bla bla
<apa dikrepak kmk tuk?>
  but there was a slight changes in my life though and that was,
almost EVERYONE knows me except for those who didn't recognized me in veil though including Dr Sulaiman Kadikon. He recognized Sharul but not me. Teehee! I starting to like this momento.

Anyway, as the elections over. There's one IMPORTANT thing that need to be done and that was. . .

The winning smile.
unhang the poster. DUHH!!
That very evening after the announcement, me and Khaleda unhang the poster inside out of FSKSM. For KTGB and K9, I asked a favor from Bhem and Farah to do the honour to unhang ma poster.

And today, I was quite surprised to see my poster at KTF and KTR was gone. I don't know who did that but I just wanna say THANKYOU very much. You just lift some of the burden on my shoulder. Cheyh!!

The top-10 are the winners

Calon terlepas pandang time PRK.
Credit to Wan Muhammad Hazem

p/s: TITAS midterm exam is tomorrow night. To all who are sitting for the exam, goodluck wei! Let's load the bullet into M-16 and .38 Wesson and Smith for the tembak-menembak fiesta tomorrow. XDXD

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