Monday, February 21, 2011

T H A N K Y O U V E R Y M U C H !

Whoa. . .
The election started at 9am and finished at 5pm. I went to the voting zone a.k.a BK5 after PT 2 class and saw a queue at outside of BK5. I casted my vote and watdya know, I was the lucky first person to get a hamper from the faculty. 

After I casted my vote, I waited in front of the BK5 until the next class. Fortunately, Math class was cancelled. Pheww~ 
Went to my last class of the day and then went to BK5 again to hear about the result.

At 6pm, the staffs asked us, the candidates, to go into the room and the announcement was made by Dean representative.
Me and my peeps hold the 3 faculty seats. And the three of us are. . .

Me = 518 votes
Farhana = 481 votes
Shahrul = 478 votes

* * *

Last but not least,
I just wanna say 
THANKYOU to mama & abah for giving me a blessing to join MPM.
THANKYOU to my crews for helping me during the campaign
<mun ada bajet lebeh, kmk blanja takorg makan>
THANKYOU to all FSKSM students who went to cast your votes.
THANKYOU for voting me.
THANKYOU to all the staffs for making PRK 2010/2011 work efficiently.

for giving me the chance to become your representative.

Now, I'm one of the MPM-FSKSM will try my BEST to give my BEST efforts.

So, any problems about your beloved FSKSM, you can reach us starting NOW!

p/s: Congratulations to ALL the faculty candidates in UTM
p/s: Congratulations to Iva and Habib for your flying colors STPM results.
p/s: Calon umum will be announce late tonight.
p/s: There are 6++ students that cast their votes today.
p/s: I love you! teehee!


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