Sunday, January 23, 2011

Almost All Correct !

Ohayo bloggies-san !
This morning, before the AGM of Silat Cekak Malaysia, I was wondering around in FB and found out about this site.
It was about the secret behind the month of your birthday.

I was born in August and just look at it. Almost all of the points are true.
The part of getting angry easily was waay false.
Jealousy? Do I envy anyone? (Statement of a single girl.XD) Well, maybe in the part of anyone getting mark higher than me in exam which only happened during high school life. Now, I'm a Uni students and I'm competing against myself.
Good in observation and fast thinker? Well, this maybe suits the others who born in August but not me. I'm the opposite of this qualities.
Daydreaming ?
That is so me! Well, a girl can dream right? It's not a crime though.
Talented in drawing, entertainment and silat !
This one, I LIKE !!
And of course the other points that I didn't mention before were also true !

I love being me ! 

p/s: cout << "Continue studying my C++" << endl;


  1. nak try app tu kt fb xley. tp kita buat guna buku psal rahsia klahiran. ;)

  2. pelik juge x leh gune..bukan nyer betol sgt pun..cume sebahagian jer yg betol..

  3. wah .. rahsia bulan kelahiran .. kene cek ni .. hemm .. mac punya cam ne ek agak2 ..

  4. iPai, try arr sndiri..i sndiri pun x taw yg bln laen punyer..XD

  5. sis! lwk eh..da lam aa my sifat aa...keke..

  6. ok .. eh .. mane link ye ? hehe

  7. adeq: gasak tak la cya..

    iPai: ni link dier..
    selamat mencube!!


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