Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sarawak Slang: You and I

 Holla bloggies ?!
Dang I missed you already.
After a few hours studying and answering my online CCNA quiz, now I felt stronger than before. Thanks God! Now, I just need to focus on C++.

* * *
Well, last Thurs, my fellow silat peeps were arguing in facebook about training. Well, it was hols bha. Wanna know what we were arguing about . . .

Click for enlargement !
Just look at the language. There were very pro in this field. Very pro but prosak larr !
There was alot about this prosak but this was the latest one.
Please takes note that this language is quite difference from any other slangs in Malaysia.
If I started to talk crap here in my own mother tongue, for sure you will felt very blur + bengong

OKOK, now. . .

the basic words are

kamek [ka.mek] 
I, saya, aku, me, moi, cek...

kitak [ki.tak]
You, kamu, awak, engko, hang...

Example in words are. . .

Siapa nama kitak ?

What's your name?

Nama kamek Azie !
My name is Azie.

Kamek sayang kitak !
 I <3 U !

Happy learning !!

p/s: There is no such thing as plural in this slang!


  1. mok ngkah lebeh2 chen..lak ada sakit telinga kmk dengar cdak 'merosak' bahasa aa..


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