Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Programming Experts Qualifying

Ola amigas !

The first thing I did early in the morning yesterday was sitting for the Programming Experts Qualifying Test. This was only happened in SCV and of the CMGA programmes which occured every year for each year students until their graduation day. Well, I supposed to update this blog yesterday but I'm not it the mood. I just blogwalked with a down feeling.
Oh boi, I didn't do well. The senior were there and they were watching us doing the coding. Dang!! They were 7 questions and I could only answer 4 but only 2 were wholly correct !
OMG, just imagined who can answered those 7 questions in 1 hour and half ?!
He/She must be very expert in this and no need to sit for this qualifying test. 
Hurm. . .

/* FYI, the yesteryear, this program was called Programming Clinic but they changed it to Expert. The person who get Band 1 or 2 will need to go for Programming Expert Workshop and for those who are really expert in this will become the mentor for the mentee. Confuse? Just ignore this ! */

You thought I'd had a whole gloomy day yesterday ?
Fret not, something came up and made my day just better than before.
Wanna know what is it?

It's this one. . .

Moreover, my Web lecturer already given us a hols assignment that is create your own website.

And it's just getting better for today as there were no class this morning. DOUBLE YAYY!!
Then, something just rushed to my head and had a lightbulb momento which that was going to Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Johor.
Dang, me and Akma had a little slow talk from the person-in-charge over there about their policies. What I learnt that, everything that involve with pupils or students must be F.O.C! 
My thought that time was. . .

" tuk bukan menguntungkan, tp rugi ada arr!! "

Went to faculty just in time for class and I'm starting to love Math for Computer Graphics.
I did my first line today by using Visual Studion 2008.

 MATH is FUN !

triangle with its midpoint !
For those who are already pro in this, they will think that I am soo ngegeh
If you're so pro in this, can you teach me ?
This thing just make me crave for more and my hols started this Thurs.

Now now now. . .
that's all from me for now, need to ciao for gym !

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