Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ready For Report Duty

'Sup guys ?!
Lemme report for today weather, it's RAINING all day long !!
Early in the morning, woke up and did the same boring routine, wore the blue-white Suksis shirt and ready for class. Climbed up the stairs to K07 foyer and ohmaigoodness, a lotsa people already waited for the bus. We all need to queue and almost everyday, the buses will be soo full and all of us in there were packed like sardines. I think everyone had a class started at 8am. Quite different from last sem where the bus will full only on Wednesday where my class started at 9am. Luckily, my Thursday class started on 11am. 

During TITAS, one of my peeps told me about the result of Programming Expert Qualifying Test. Its out already !?!
Oh yeah ! 
And my C++ result is the same as my MUET.
It's Band 10 3.

You all must be wondering what the heck all of the above are connected to the title?

my nametags !
Of course nothing in relation but the real deal was. . .

*  *  *

I just wanna practice my first report duty as all the juniors batch 2010/2011 already had their own nombor badan ID numbers.

Ahem ahem

" Saya KS34017 Nur Aziemah binti Mohamad melaporkan pelatih Suksis Junior platun perempuan seramai beberapa orang jer! "

How was it?
Got style ka?

Agakny boleh ke jadi commander ke ?


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