Friday, January 28, 2011

No Turning Back !

Salaam bloggies !

How was your day ?
Missed me ?
There's a lotsa stuffs in mind lately. Even though my hols started yesterday but it seems like any other days. Ouh ya, before I moved on to my tales, lemme tell you that I already arrived to my second home at Sunway. 

* * *

Of course you all know that midsem break a.k.a. hols equivalents to more assignments and courseworks. Lecs love to give us something so that we don't have our FUN time during hols. Hurm... I guess every students in this whole wide world agreed with me !
Well, what to do, we are students and those ASSignments will give us marks for the CGPA.
Gambatteh ne !!
Chaiyok chaiyok !!

I wanna tell a really funny story and actually its not funny but a serious thing.
I joined MPM.
Whoa !! 
I know what you might think that I'm crazy but hold your breath babe cause I already told my mom. I got her blessing and she advice me don't forget about study.

" Mom, I never forget about my study. I wanna give my all during final ! "

back to the MPM stuff again. I told some of my peeps in Sibu.
Some of them said yes but this fellow said 
" don't do it ! "

Hurm . . .
Do I have what it takes to be one of them. . .

there will be more on this. . .

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