Monday, February 20, 2012

Y U No In Class?

Yesterday, I had lotsa fun with these 3 beautiful young ladies. 
Actually, this was more to senior-junior day out. LOL. JK.

Must, Qila and Anne

It was the last day of International Festival Layang-layang which were held at Pasir Gudang, Johor. When we arrived there, most of the kites were still on the ground. But there was one thing that always in the air. It was balloons.
We were walking down the memory lane where we laughed and wanted to buy all types of the balloons but in the end, we bought nothing.
People started crowding the place and we end up at the festival for only an hour.
Then, we off to Jusco Tebrau.



The first day for the fourth semester started 8AM this morning. My oh my. My brain was still in a holiday mode. The first class was Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and we were happily sat in the lab not knowing what happened next. The lecturer entered the lab and told us he only taught for 20 students. And what didchu know, I was being kicked from that section and went to 8th section. Kesian Amy dok sengsorang kat section yg satu tuh. The rest of us went to Multimedia Lab at Level 2 and found out that Mr Rosely will be teaching us for this sem. Woohoo. We met again Mr Rosely. He had taught us for 2 semesters already and this sem will be his third.

The next class was Operating System (OS). And again, the 2SCVians were happily in BK5 and thinking that we can studied together. Chewah. Sebenarnya senang nak carik ahli kump kalo sume sama section. Then without further notice, the class was divided into 2. The last 19 students need to move outta that section and go to the 7th section. From my name til the end of the list were going to level 5 and studied in the lab. Luckily the lecturer is quite sporting :D

The last subject for the day was Advanced English. At first I taught this class would be easy. After the lecturer briefed what we'll be studying for this sem, my heart dropped. The damn 30 pages report plus presentation cost us 70 percents and 30 percents is on final paper. Just WOW!! English supposed to be fun.

Z : The last class ended earlier but I arrived in my room 3 hours after the class. What a waste of time. But I can only did nothing because it was raining cats and dogs. Rawiey and I walked from the FSKSM to KTR with lotsa checkpoints in between the journey. One must bring umbrella in this rainy days.

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