Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stuck in the Middle !

Whaddup bloggies ?

<memandangkan budak sns kom, so, kmk mok mengapply apa yg dipelajari>

It's been a long day. Sleep quite late last night and woke up quite late too but I wouldn't dare to skip class. Once I skipped, I missed the whole chapter.
Well, that's what happened today.
Got 3 classes and 2 of them almost finished the whole chapter. Just imagine what I missed if I skipped it. Even though I had 6 HALAL hols but I don't want to use it. I might using it for something useful later on.

Today, I had quite a shocking news. My cat run away with another alley cat.
 Hurm... since when I had a cat. 
NO la!

The shocking news was the nomination week for MPM was is next week. It happened so fast though. And my friend told me that this week has a camp at KL about this MPM stuffs.
Watdya know, its clash with my Go Creative With Us Camp and I must choose one and the best choice was . . .

* * *

Well, I wanted to digress a lil bit from this.
It's been in my bucketlist to wrote and share about this and I know most of you already knew about this disease. . .

This chronic disease started from wild sex or in its scientific term is unprotected sex. You guys can ask Uncle Google or Aunty Wiki for more info though. Besides. I really hate to see the increasing in number of the illegitimate child born in this world then the inhuman parents just dump the poor little God's creation in the river, dumpster and anywhere they thought the baby will not be found. You Are SO Wrong! 
Even we didn't know who the real animal parents were but Allah knows it all!

p/s: Applying what I learnt from Math in High School to make a 3D objects with OpenGL.

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