Thursday, February 10, 2011

An Hour With KorSuksis Commander

Ola moi nocturnal bloggies !

Lately, my sleep hours becoming lesser than before and after this I might sleep lesser than 5 hours though. It's a no-no for me. I always sleep AT LEAST 6 hours during night time. FYI, most people in this world died from not enough sleep than famine. Besides, sleep is my beauty stress-free regime. 

Supposed during Suksis in the evening, we, the junior, were doing the firearms thingy. However, at the eleventh minutes, they changed it to the very first meeting with UTM's KorSuksis commander and he was


Well, almost everyone in UTM called him Prof T but his real name was Prof Tajuddin bin Haji Ninggal and wanna know what so special about him ?
He is UTM TNC.

There were some interesting points he talked about and he would liked us to apply and share it.

Firstly, become a holistic students. That involved IQ, EQ and SQ.
Have passion in everything you do.
Be your best and mostly just be yourself < the be yourself part was my own words k! >
The most memorable thing he said was 
' the knowledge will not be blessed if we are not sincere in learning it '
< dah macam if statement la pulak >

Next, he talked about the history-in-making in the month of June which is becoming the host for Pentaulihan's week <only for senior>. On this GRAND event, 21 IPTAs across the county will come to UTM just to get their accreditations from Malaysia's Chief Police. I'll be guessing that more than 1K future-Inspectors will be cram in UTM and one of them will be my friend from high school. He's from UUM of course.

Now now now
this was the eye-popping, ear-catchy statement. He planned to take KorSuksis to the next level. He wanted us to plan for a Global Outreach Programme (GOP). The aim is to visit the polices in other countries and see how they do their job. Moreover, he also said that he might invite FBI to give us a talk. Its not just visiting the polices, we might pick up a thing or two about their culture and try to learn how to have first class mentality. 

The quotes he said and I would really LOVE to share it with you guys. . .



< both of the quotes above, ntah dari sapa, Google is yourself k! >

p/s: ASSignments, camp, midlife midterm exams and SO MUCH MORE !!!

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