Friday, December 30, 2011

Ending My 2011,

Whoa. Who can guess that 2011 moves so fast. It feels like just yesterday I celebrated 2011. I remembered that I celebrated new year at Kuching. Lotsa foods on the table, BBQ and having so much fun with my family.
Damn, I missed those moments where I was carefree.
Al-maklumla, I had a very good result that time and didn't know what lay aheads of me.

I was reviewing my 2010 and 2011 wishlist and found out that what's not in the 2011 list was becoming a reality (technically). OK. Enough talking about 2010. I wanted to review my 2011 resolutions.

ho yeah. ending my 2011 by partaying studying hard
cuz i'm sexayy and i know it. XD

1. maintain my weight as I already put my effort to it by eat till I drop ! 
*I did put up some weight in June 2011 and it was 48kg. That was the heaviest one. But now, I maintained it 45kg (just like earlier this year).

2. save some moolah !  
*In my dream la. Going to bring forward to 2012.

3. maintain my pointer !  
*Even though I had a slight drop in second semester, but I managed to maintain my CGPA. Thank God! Gonna bring forward to 2012.

4. win some tournament and I really wanted to take it to the next level !
*Too bad. I just can dream about it. I played MASUM and I lost. 

5. celebrate my 20th birthday !
*I did celebrated my 20th birthday and it was during fasting season. And next year, I'm gonna celebrate my 21st birthday. Woohoo. Typing about this age thing-y really makes me felt old. DAMN! 

6. be a better time manager for myself as I'll have a lotsa activities
*I did learn my lesson that never do my assignments at the very last minute. But still I did it. Oh ya, I was one of the Student Reps Council a.k.a Miss MPM, for 2010/2011 session. Which means, I was a very busybody lady but still got time for my peeps and my darling assignments. :)

7. improve my programming skills !
*Programming expert really helps my programming skills. Thanks to GMM for introducing Programming Expert. 

8. wanted to learn Kelantan & Terengganu slang !
*I'm still learning.

9. buy some new gadgets !
*Got a few but still aiming more. KIV for 2012.

10. travel around Peninsula Malaysia !
*Ho yeah. I traveled all the states in Malaysia. #True Story.

11. last but not least, be a better me than last year !
*Hurmm...being one of the MPM really changed me a little bit. Just like Amy always said to me, 'Azie dah berubah'. I didn't know I changed towards good or bad but I really love it and this will be in my list for every new year. #Got a problem?

Z : A text from you is good enough for me to start 2012, but. . .


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