Saturday, December 31, 2011

and Welcoming the Brand New Year !

I'm welcoming 2012 with FINAL EXAMS.
What's better things to do than sitting for the exam during new year?
Alright, my new year sucks!
And this is the first time I celebrated (technically, no celebration) it in UTM. LOL

But wait, I just came out some 2012 resolutions which are . . .

1. save some moolah !
2. maintain my pointer !

3. buy some new gadgets !

4. travel overseas !

5. gonna do some crazy stuffs !

6. be a good leader !

7. ever heard of "respect people who find some time for you even though s/he have a busy schedule and love people who never look at their schedule when you need them" ? OH Yeah. I wanted to be one of that 'people' !

8. last but not least, be a better me than last year !

Z : I didn't want to celebrate 2012 alone, so I vid-cam with adeq.


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