Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thank Goodness !

Hey hey hey. . .

So many things in my mind right now. I thought this week will be NOT SO QUITE busy like last week. BUT, I was sooo wrong. 
OK, now what makes me so busy . . .

Class as usual an during night time had to attend Konvo46 closing ceremony. You can read it here as I wrote it too. Lazy to wrote it twice. To save my precious time, I just link it to my blog. It will be quite different as I wrote it in Malay. 
On the same day, I messaged TNC for my KTC thingey. And he said he will considered it.

Class as usual. Sent the letter to TNC and how I don't like to use MPM title when it involves co-Q but I had to. After sending the letter, Sukri called me and he asked me to replace him for the MPM activities meeting. Luckily, Semarak Budaya Kampus' proposal was accepted that night and will be held a week after MTM. Can't wait for it even though I don't know yet what is my post for that event.

How I wish I just don't come to class yesterday. TITAS as usual but no point to attend that class. The mukadimah was soo long but the isi was just for 15 minutes. But one thing for sure, when he called out YB, he didn't look at me. The YB during TITAS was always Shahrul. HAH! Good for me! I just like being incognito in class though. Anyway, yesterday was supposed to had WEB PROGRAMMING quiz but we waited for an hour but still batang hidong Mr Rosely xda. We just assumed that the class cancelled. I went to MPM room with veil on my head and how they were surprised to see me. They laughed and teased me. Frany told me that I look like a child. Hey! I really like being called budak kecik. It makes me look younger. 
Evening went for SUKSIS as usual and I received a job from KTGB's principal. I was being asked to be KTR coordinator. With the last minute jobs, I succeeded told some of the  girls to wait in front of the office. I didn't manage to count how many trips that Mr Ku Faisal had to take from KTGB to KTR...
Balik bilik terus drop down dead sleep.
< even though melambak assignment x siap>

I really love today. REALLY LOVE IT! Different from the other Thursday. Had some fun in class doing the packet tracer. And after the class, Ayu told me that my letter had been approved by TNC.
I just wanna say
for letting me stay in KTR.

Not sure what will happen tomorrow but from what I know, all the MPMs were supposed to go to UTM IC but I can't go there. I had to attend Larian Malam because it will be one of the compulsory event that every athletes in UTM should join so that they can join MASUM 2011.

Friendly match with UTHM fighters.

ASSignments' Day

p/s: Need to pass up programming technique II ASSignment next Monday and langsung x reti nak buat.

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