Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm UTM Student

BPM made another interesting stuff, AGAIN! It's especially for Public University Students. Not gonna waste my time so I join it. You can CLICK RIGHT HERE for more details. So, if you are a student && studied at any of the IPTA in Malaysia, feel free to join because it's F.O.C ! No hidden charges k !

Here are the terms & conditions. . .

  • Link entri blog ini.
  • Tajuk entri 'Saya Pelajar UiTM" (gantikan nama universiti anda belajar)
  • Gambar anda bersama rakan kelas, sekurang-kurangnya sekeping.
  • Nyatakan anda belajar di universiti mana? kursus apa? bila masuk dan bila akan tamat belajar?
  • Ceritakan pengalaman pahit manis anda semasa belajar. contohnya, anda jatuh cinta dengan rakan sekelas, pergi lawatan sambil belajar atau meniru semasa exam, heheh..

Obviously, the first and second had already been done! Now, let's get to the third one. Hurm...Pics? I had lotsa them. Let's just go to the fourth point.

As being told in the title above, I'm a UTM students. Which UTM you may ask? It's here. . .
Pic taken at the Balai Cerap, UTM Skudai.
 There are 2 UTM campus of course. The main campus is at Johore and the other one UTMKL in KL, duhh!! In UTM, I took the hardest course in my faculty (Faculty of Computer Science and Information System) which is TC29 in the UPU system. Well, it's Computer Graphics and Multimedia Software, SCV for short. EVERYBODY thinks that this course is about ADOBE PHOTOSHOP or anything that may related to design and graphic.
Think again?

It's hard core subject is PROGRAMMING in any languages you want. The languages I'm talking about are not English, Malay, India, Chinese, Hangul, Japan, Dutch or whatever it had in this world. The languages are hard to understand if I typed it here. XD

1st sem final project. Not as easy as it seems like. We made our first game!
And throughout our course, it's all about GAME!

SCV is a 4 year course and I joined the SCVians on 4th July 2010 and maybe finished my course on 2014. InsyaAllah.

We are SCVians. Senior + Junior + Lecturers. Just like one BIG family!
For the last point, I just finished my first semester and there are still 7 sems (including this sem) to go. Not so much happened during my last sem but I was still having lotsa fun with my SCVian peeps. Some were up and some were down.

The down was when Dr. ABade was leaving us for UMS. Besides, there was also an incident where I got punch straight to my chest. OUCH! Well, it happened during the silat comp k! And for almost 2 weeks, I couldn't carry the heavy stuffs and bend down my body.

The ups were, quite alot though. For example, I made lotsa friends from each states in Malaysia. The best part was during the NetCarbon visitation where I learnt that it's freakin hard to make Upin&Ipin. And the most important thing was I got a good result on my last sem.

Bored? Now, let's the pics do the talking. . .

Pic taken after the FYExplorace.
The combinations of SCD + SCV
GMM dept specials - got 3 game rooms lorhh !
Digalakkan main game bha.
Taken during the opening ceremony of Chancellor Hall
UTM Pro-Chancellor in red veil, the Sultanah of Johore.
Always be there !
OTW to UTM from industrial visits at NetCarbon, Bangi.

Last but not least. . .
1SCV 2010/2011

Haah, lotsa pics rite? 
Enjoy !

p/s: Still looonggg way to go bhaa !


  1. hye, i like your english usage, can u teach me?

  2. @ayuni, i'm just using simple english. no need to use complicated eng because it will be boring and some will not understand it..hehe..new vocabs are most welcome but don't use it too often..i think ur eng is quite good too!!

  3. @wiernadriezan, dok kat ktr..

    @MSS, yup..it's for real! in every game room..

  4. saya kp
    but perwira cousemate saya dok ktr
    muiz n a.j

  5. haha..nice entri for UtM..keep it up^^

  6. @wiernadriezan, x knl la..budak thn 3 kat ktr nie x knl sgt laa...

    @Adlan, tqvm!

  7. salam perkenalan dr stdnt uitm..heee~

  8. dtg melawat dr UiTM pncak alam ;D

  9. ooo..skuad junior? 2010 la ea?? bru ag la ni? btw,knp xda chatbox blog awk? ssh nk chat lorh..huk9

  10. salam perkenalan..saya rozuan..pelajar ukm..jom singgah blog saya..

  11. UTM rock...yay!! salam kenal dr utm kl...~,~weee

  12. salam kenal dari utm student jugak.. =)

  13. Telaga Putih, nice to know ya! FB kan ada...XD

    Shafiq, tqvm sbb menjengok! dah kira junior i da tu..XD

    nunui & Rozuan, makseh kerna melawat!!

    wiernidriezan, kalo u utm rower, i utm fighter..XD

    Hagio & NadiRah, hi utm students!!!

  14. wah..utm skudai ye..? hmm..i miss johor already..

  15. warga UiTM mai m'lawat..cantik la p'mandangan kat UTM SKUDAI...~HUHUHU

  16. Asha, yup..asha ni msti org johor kan !?!

    zaMir, hi back !!

    the phantom kid, thx kerna melawat..yg tu la UTM rimbun bernaung !!

  17. hye azie... sy dari uthm... salam perkenalan.. jom singgah ke blog sy :)
    sy follow awk :)

  18. hi saLmie...salam pknalan dr utm....


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