Saturday, January 14, 2012

Third Semester Final Exams Reviews

I knew I had my ups and downs for this semester. Some of my assignments were submitted quite late and fortunately my lecturers accepted my works. I'd been very busy and often ponteng some of the classes. Nevertheless, I always  produce a letter to tell them my whereabouts. hihi. Being one of the MPM really ate almost every part of my life but I love it! Weird, right?

In my third semester, I started to join some programs which I was one of the crew members. The programs I joined were KPPI and ICF, the drafts were there but I didn't have time to update it. Maybe later? Gosh, what a busy semester. Busy with programs. Suksis? I can counted how many times I attended suksis. And same goes to silat. I attended silat during the early of semester. Then, a few weeks before KPPI, I stopped attending the training. All the meetings were so damn tiring. If I went for the training, it will double the doses.

* * * * * * * *

My nightmare (err, is that a correct term for final exams?) began on 4th of January.
My first paper was Islam and Current Issue (ICI), from the 15 lecturer weeks, I think I skipped more than 5 classes. The lecturer had warn me though. Right after I submitted HCI projects, I studied my ass off for ICI. And what do you know, I succeeded in reading the whole ICI book and I didn't know there were past years questions until it was too late. I just relied on the books and hopefully to score this subject.


Next was Database on 7th January. I really studied for Database because I didn't focus in the class. Serve me right! I finished studied the last 4 chapters plus SQL with hope that I can answer the questions. By reviewing the past year question, it was quite easy though. But when I sat for that paper at KTHO, it was so unexpected. The first 3 questions were quite OK but the last 2 questions were damn hard. Question 4 was about SQL and I just answered what I had read from the book that I bought last semester and hoping that some of my answers were correct. And the last question was 40 MARKS! EFF!


CREATE DATABASE datastructurealgorithm


WTH, I had paper on Sunday for the first time in my life. It was Data Structure and Algorithm (DSA) and held on 8th of January. The question was my ouh my! Pembunuh pun tak sekejam Data Struct paper. No more comment about that paper. Then, need to prepare for the next day presentation. Urghh.. Uni life, I can't complaint more.


Next on the list was Human Computer Interaction or HCI for short. Just one word, CLUELESS. Almost every questions, I'd felt so clueless. My brain stopped functioning and I can't even think of a word to start a sentence. WTF.


For System Analysis and Design (SAD), my goodness, I did the Section A (objectives) and Section B (true/false) within 30 minutes. That's mean I had 2 hours left to answer the rest. My oh my. 2 hours were not enough even to understand the questions and we must drew the diagrams to answer the questions. Seriously?


My last jihad for this semester was Computer Organization and Architecture, COA. Never in my life I studied so hard until my back was in pain. #True story. I answered my paper for 2 hours and get out from the hall so that I wouldn't change my answers. The objectives part were quite confusing.

It's nice to see all of the exams, ASSignments,
projects were cancelled off except for the
'I NEED A VACATION' part which what I do, currently.


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