Friday, December 17, 2010

Last Momentos at Pulapol Muar

A few more days left to Mount Ledang trip. Couldn't wait for it though. Here were some random momentos during our last few days at Pulapol Muar.
Mask on.

*pic from Daus's camera
Mask off.

*pic from Daus's camera
*pic from Ayu's camera
Even the coach were acting like a child though. A real LOL momento.
*pic from Ayu's camera
all black for the junior platoon
*pic from Ayu's camera
'Kami anak kandung...'
*pic from Daus's camera
'UTM rimbum bernaung...'
*pic from Daus's camera
the last minute Dikir Barat performance
Farid, Taufik && Ayie
Kilat group!
Me & Ezie
*pic from Daus's camera
The creative art from the previous recruits.


  1. bok nangga lam gmba..lomadak gik nangga real itam da tuk bha..
    wei, ktk padah kmk gemok!!? huhu..
    gik menten jak rasa kmk tuk koh..


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