Thursday, November 25, 2010

FIRST Final of FIRST Sem

Started on 9th  November with Programming Technique 1. My reaction when saw the question paper was like this... 'OMG, I had done this in class!'. Well, you all can guess the question right? The front sections was quite easy but the last section was so damn HARD! I knew how to do it but I forgot. That was why it became so hard.
Need your help, En Gaddis!!
For the following day, the subject was English. I came to the examination hall which was at DSI 5 minutes before it started. Nang steady!! Mr. Jack stood at the doorway and led most of his students to the correct side of the hall. For my section, it was on the right side of the hall. As I came in late, I was sitting in front of the main stage. It was so effing cold inside there and I can't think straight. ALL the questions were about 'CULTURAL SHOCK' and me too, in culture shock to see the questions. Guess what, I made up my own story for the essay part which was about CULTURAL SHOCK too. 
shows how freaking cold it was for me during that time...
We were being asked to study from Perlembagaan chapter until the last page of the book. And Ethnic Relation was the ONLY subject for my first sem being taught in Malay. It's been a long time since I wrote my last essay in Malay and then suddenly, for midterm exam,  we were all being asked to write 3 essays regarding on HISTORY. Dahla dalam BM, kena polah sejarah gik aa! Haishh!! Fortunately, for final paper for this subject, it was in objectives. Thus, there will be no made-up tales and no once-upon-a-time. Obviously, for an hour, ALL the candidates showed their true colour by joining this special event called 'Fiesta Tembak-Menembak'. The answers were almost the same though!

I never focused during Technology and Information System class. Everytime we were in class, we studied FACEBOOK! What made SCV different from other courses was, we NEVER seat for midterm exam for this subject. Our carry marks depended on the corporate video and other ASSignments that had been given by PM Saruddin. He left us just after Eid and after that, there was no one better than him for that subject. We took him for granted! 
As for that, I studied hard (really?!) and during the 3 hours exam period, I seat in the FREAKIN' COLD hall even though I saw lotsa candidates had pass up the answer papers to the nearest lecturers. My answer for the essay part was quite LONG as Khaled told me. She told me that I might get an A for that. I pray for that too! Ameen!

Discrete Structure was another subject that I took for granted too. I often skipped class without any reasons except 2 times where both of it I went for Silat championship. The first one, there was no letter that stated that I was away. So, I took that as ponteng. As for the second one, I produced my letter to the lecturer and my life was saved! As a matter of fact, the maximum number of holidays for each student for each subjects and for each sem is 6 days! 
Anyway, lucky for me, I can answer most of it except for the last questions where I just wrote whatever came across on my mind during that crucial momento. As the time was over, I look around and saw that most of my peeps asked for extra sheets and as for me, I answered everything in the booklet and it was just enough for me. I checked my answer thoroughly for another round and found out that, I had answered all the questions. 
Wonder how they answered the questions that need some extra sheets?

Last paper for this sem was Digital Logic. Oh boi, the questions can really cracked my brain open. The objectives part was quite easy. Unfortunately, I couldn't said the same thing for the subjective questions. It consists of 6 questions and I think I can answered the last one only. My goodness! Almost all the answers were in 0101011001 form. So, I just put number '0' and '1' where it belongs and wondering hard whether it was correct or not?! 
During the pass-up question paper session, I noticed that the answer booklets for section 5 && 6 were already standing tall on the table. I look around and found out that only me, Dayah, Aimi, Mei King, Hui Fong and a bunch of boiz were left behind. Dang, they all were so fast. 
Anyhow, let's just pray for the BEST. AMEEN!

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